Baby Girl Struby has a name!!! My Aunt Gwen and family had a baby shower for me this weekend in Killeen. After we finished opening presents (and after catching quite a bit of grief over why we weren't revealing her name yet!), I gave my mom and Aunt Gwen a package to open that contained all of the white wooden letters in her name and told them that if they could work together with the rest of the family, we could talk about her name. The pictures are a little blurry from all of the movement and excitement - I didn't give anyone a heads-up as to what was about to happen, and of course I forgot to video it as I had planned!! I knew there would be excitement, but I did NOT envision the level of craziness that would happen in that room! My mother frantically handed everyone a letter, and they dove from their nice, neat semi-circle into the middle of the room to put it all together. I figured it would take them a while, but after one missed attempt (Adrian?), they had it!!!
Addison Marie Struby. It was the perfect time and place to announce it. I only wish Scott's family and our friends had been there! But Marie is a family name on my side: my grandmother was Lawanna Marie, my aunt is Gwendolyn Marie, and my great aunt is Doris Marie. Here are me and mom with Addison's namesakes:
We had such a great time. It was so wonderful of everyone to come, and Aunt Gwen is always the perfect hostess! Here is everyone (with her name - look closely!) outside with the precious dress-lined walkway into Aunt Gwen's house:
I promise to update soon with some catch-up pictures from Christmas, my first shower, nursery progress, etc.!