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Monday, February 20, 2012


You know how I know we are getting close to having a baby?  

By the time my turkey bacon expires, little miss will be here!  Talk about random reality checks...

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Misc Updates

Well, I promised some updates, so in no particular order (which seems to be the way my brain works these days) here they are!

I had my first shower in Dallas several weeks ago, and we had a blast.  Kristin had us all to her beautiful home and everything was perfect!

 (As a side note, Scott got me an awesome new camera for Christmas so we could capture all of our upcoming excitement...doesn't it take great pics??)

IF there was a "cute" part of my pregnancy, it happened somewhere between Christmas and these pictures (6-7 mos).  I had enough of a bump that people were sure I was pregnant, and I got a lot of sweet smiles from perfect strangers.  However, in the last few weeks, I've moved into the puffy, "about to pop" phase.  My mother tells me it's all in my head (what does she know...she lives in Dallas and can't see me), and Scott refuses to comment (other than to tell me I'm beautiful), but there's a lot more pity in the smiles of strangers these days!   Although, who can blame them...I've acquired a very definite waddle, and my belly IS getting uncomfortably large.

I have a lot of joint pain these days, especially when going from sitting to standing, but the pain in my back has been very manageable.  Much better than I thought it would be...I've had none of my "usual" back pain while pregnant (thank you, Lord!), just the soreness and temporary sciatic-type pain that I think all pregnant women have.  There are no more sweet, fluttery movements.  Just hard jabs and kicks that keep my belly shifting and squirming all day long.  She's very active and very strong!!

I am 34 weeks - 6(ish?) weeks to go.  Can you believe it???  I really WANT to be nesting, but I've been so wiped out, I haven't done anything!! Hopefully we can get some things accomplished this weekend.  But I think my poor, sweet mother is going to have to come whip things into shape around here before Addison makes her debut.  Left to my own devices, I might just sleep until then.

And speaking of that...I think it's past my bedtime.  Love you all!
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