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Monday, October 31, 2011

Assorted Thoughts and Updates...

Happy Halloween!  We were all stocked up on candy and ready to go, and we had all of about 5 trick-or-treaters.  I think there must have been a carnival or gathering we didn't know about, since we are just about the only couple in the neighborhood that doesn't have kids yet.  If we were to have dressed up, this pregnant skeleton was first on my list!  Especially with the coordinating husband's costume!

I feel more and more pregnant by the day!  Every weekend or every few days I talk to my mother, I think I've told her, "now I really feel/look pregnant!"  I'm surprised how many ways my body feels different...

I'm getting much bigger - I'm even outgrowing my t-shirts. I guess I was really in denial about how much/quickly I would grow.  I laugh at myself that a month ago, I bought a few pairs of maternity pants and thought that those, combined with tops I already had, would get me thru the next 6 months.  My wardrobe options are quickly shrinking!  Scott still just laughs and laughs.

I eat like a pregnant person.  My hunger patterns rival Scott's now.  I crave french fries every day at lunch, followed by something sweet, followed by fruit/veggies at dinner.  I love huge glasses of apple juice, lemon in my water, pickles and olives.  I have not been able to stomach even the thought of fish and have not eaten it since the day I found out I was pregnant.  I also can just barely handle BBQ.

I am pretty sure I've felt a few movements.  I only feel her at night when I lay down to go to sleep.  The first time, I was sure Deacon (who curls up closer to my stomach with every bit it grows...I thought he'd hate it, but I think he feels it's his responsibility to help incubate her) had a strange heartbeat/flutter going on, as he was laying nearly on top of me.  I made him move, and continued to feel "butterflies" for a while.  I said to Scott, "either my stomach is really upset, or I feel the baby!"  I'm pretty sure she's brushing up on a high-kick routine in there!

I have joined Pinterest, for those of you that are into that sort of thing...and I have a pinboard for my current thoughts on baby's nursery.  I'm sure it will be ever-changing, but it's lots of fun looking at all of the girly stuff!

Slight homesickness has started to set in, as I knew it would around this time.  The excitement of the move has died down, hunting season will be in full force as of this weekend, and the Rangers' World Series run may have had something to do with it too.   I miss you Dallas folk!

So on that note, we have lots of room, y'all come visit!  :)


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