As I mentioned, I did not have a "feeling" about the gender...however, I do think I just kind of expected it to be a boy. There are a LOT of (wonderful!) boys on my side of the family, so somehow that just seems like the default gender. Scott said though (conveniently after the sonogram) that he thought it was a girl all along. The doctor said several times during the sonogram that it is unquestionably, without a doubt a "guaranteed girl!" We also got our first trimester screening results back and the doctor said everything looks absolutely perfect.
My dear friend Jaime gave birth to her twin boys tonight. All are happy and healthy from what I have heard. I am in awe of her strength and endurance of carrying those sweet boys all the way to 38 weeks in her little body! Her response to the gender announcement was maybe my favorite: "Congratulations!!! You're going to be in endless trouble with Scott for your fun and frilly purchases, but I think it's perfect!!!" Coincidentally, the second the doctor left the room and I asked Scott what he thought, he kissed me and said, "Things just got expensive around here." Don't worry, though - he'll be in on it too. He and his hunting buddies are already discussing what type of bow they should start her out with when they take her hunting. She will be a well-rounded little girl!
I promise pictures very soon! Off I go to work on names and nursery - let the games begin!!!
Scott's thoughts: Yay, baby girl!!!
I know we already talked today...but, I must tell you - reading this, reading Scott's thoughts as he kissed you in the room...I am in tears. I am so happy for you two. This little girl doesn't know just how lucky she is to have YOU BOTH as her parents! Love you guys!
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