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Saturday, October 27, 2012

To Make A Long Story Short(er): Addison's first 6 months in a nutshell

As promised.  Catch-up blog #2.  It's a doozie.

Why did I think every little memory would stay so clear in my head?  Why did I think that I would somehow remember when these little miracles of smiles, laughs, babbles, and wiggles first occurred; that I would somehow have the ability to keep straight what happened at 2 months vs. 3 months?  I mean, I'm not sure that's possible for any mother....and we all know me WAY better than that.  That is why I MUST keep up with (at least) a monthly journal.  (My friend Jaime gave me a calendar that I can put stickers on/write down special events, so I'm consulting that, along with what little I have done in her baby book, to compile this blog entry.)

One Month:
Pure joy.  I remember thinking, as I was getting out of the shower about the fourth day, with my whole body hurting, "I have never been this miserably exhausted in my whole life."  My next thought was, "I have never been this blissfully happy in my whole life."  It was such a wonderful feeling.

My mother was here the first week.  My hormones were a mess, we tried to figure out everything together (after all, it had been a while for her, too!) - a girl just needs her mom in times like this.  She set her alarm every night and woke up with me at every single feeding.  It was so wonderful...until she had to leave.  I was a mess.  To be very honest, I didn't really believe I could do it without her.  I wanted to keep her here forever.  I was pretty weepy all weekend; Scott was so very supportive, but I could tell he thought I was a bit nutty!  Thank goodness though, the Strubys had arrived: Kathy picked right up where mom left off, and stayed for three whole weeks!  I learned so much from her.  Four kids, six grandkids, and a lifetime of (mostly) full-time household management was a whole new ballgame.  She really whipped us into shape!  

When we left the hospital, Addison was already on a perfect 3 hour eating schedule.  She would eat at 6am, 9am, noon, 3pm, 6pm, 10pm, and then 2am.  She never woke up at night other than to eat!! One night the first week, I missed my 2am alarm and woke up in a PANIC that I had starved my child.  I called my mother on her cell (she was in the front guest room) and frantically told her to meet me in the nursery, picked up Addison out of her bassinet in our room (NOT an easy task a few days post c-section with a 10lb baby) and walked as quickly as I could.  Mom tried to assure me that if she was hungry, she would have cried, but I was a little beside myself in that moment.  Anyway, at Addison's two week appointment, she had regained her birthweight, so the pedi told us that we did not have to wake her to feed at night!  She woke up still for a few nights around 2-3am, but then a few days later, she started sleeping through the night...and has ever since.  We are so spoiled.  

Brian, Meagan Jake, Avery and Chloe arrived at the end of the month for the annual Down Home Ranch Gala, which was on Addison's one-month birthday.  We all went to the gala; Addison slept through the live music and live auction.  We got a little creative and fed/burped/changed her in Scott's truck.  They all left at the end of the weekend.  I cried a a lot when Kathy left, too.  Scott said, "you know that's my mom leaving, not yours, right?"  But we had gotten close over those three weeks, and again, to be honest, I didn't really believe I could do it without her.  I said to him through my tears, "I know, but now there are no more moms here!"  To which he replied, "yes there are: you're a mom!"  I cried some more, so scared and said, "yeah, but I don't know what I'm doing!!!"  

To date, one of my favs - the Monday after we got home, Scott leaving for work.

Grandma's lap is so comfy!

New and improved Struby family!  1st Easter.

 One month old! 

 Down Home Ranch Gala

Two months:
As it turns out, I could do it!  Be a mom, that is!  I was still on maternity leave, Scott took a week off work after his family left to give me some extra help; we began to get into the swing of things.  We ventured out a little bit, I tried to keep the house that our clean laundry and delicious meals didn't just "magically appear"!  We went to my family reunion in New Braunfels - our first overnight trip.  We packed THE. ENTIRE. HOUSE.  She did so well - a million (or 30ish) family members were constantly holding her and fussing over her.  It was then that Scott and I realized we could pretty much toss her up in the middle of a room, disappear, and never be missed!  She is definitely loved by many!
My first Mother's Day
Sweet angel

The packing list for the reunion! 

Three months:
So bittersweet.  Just as I was starting to feel capable as a wife and mother, maternity leave was over.  Back to work.  I spent several weeks before (literally) wondering how I was going to fit everything into each day.  It seemed so impossible.  I could NOT wrap my brain around it.  But, we did it.  I've learned that things that really need to get done will get done, and everything else...well, it will get done when it needs to get done!!  Addison started daycare at a little church school, Dripping Springs Presbyterian Academy.  I did alright my first day back, but when it came time to put her down that night, I couldn't believe how little I had seen her.  That's when it hit me.  And the second day.  But, overall, me working is what's best for all of us right now.  I admire all of you that stay home - I think it is the hardest job of all.  Sometimes I feel like I'm taking the easy route by continuing to work.  But I actively miss her every single day, still.  It is the craziest thing.  We made our first trip to Dallas (prior to my return to work), and mom and dad had a "meet our granddaughter" party.  It was fun!  Addison became fascinated by a tall, black iron stand lamp that is next to the rocker in the nursery.  She would smile and make faces at it before she acknowledged us!
 Scott's first Father's day
Addison's new friend, Micah.

Four months:
What a personality!  Smiles, squeals, and "talking", especially when daddy is around!  Scott and Addison constantly "blow raspberries" at each other.  Everything immediately goes into her mouth, and the drool faucet has been turned on!  My best friend, Ashley got married in Fort Worth, so we left Addison with mom and dad for the weekend!  Everyone kept asking me if I was "doing ok" the whole weekend - to be honest, it wasn't that bad.  I can see how it would be SO hard to leave them if you were used to being at home all day, but it wasn't too terribly different than a workday.  Meg and Brady were scheduled to babysit her while mom and dad attended the wedding, but Meg was scheduled to work last minute.  After some worry (on my mom's part) and some stubborn insistence (from Brady), it was decided that Brady would babysit Addison alone.  His words: "She is my niece!  I can do this!  What's the worst that can happen, she cries until she falls asleep??"  Pretty good point.  He did a great job.  

Five months:
This is where the months start to run together, unfortunately.  We always swore we wouldn't fly with a baby; it just looked like such a hassle.  But Addison and I took a last minute flight to Dallas over Labor Day weekend to see cousins Kelly and Iain.  We had a blast and she was perfect - she slept from takeoff to touchdown both ways!  She started rolling over onto her tummy and sleeping that way, mostly.  One day, I set her down on her blanket and walked into the other room for a second.  When I came back, she had steamrolled her way across the blanket to where Deacon was laying and had his paw in her mouth.  My two thoughts were, "YUCK" and "good boy, Deacon"!  He has been more patient and gentle with her than I expected him to be.  We started feeding her real food.  Something about sitting in a highchair makes her look so much like a kid and not a baby!  Sigh.  
 Yes, her first feeding was from a salsa bowl.  We hadn't bought baby bowls yet.  That kind of thing sneaks up on you!

Six months:
On the move!!!  Steamrolling, army crawling and inching her way where ever she wants to go!  The hardwood floors are interesting: she can't get great traction to truly crawl, but she can slip and slide her way across the room in no time!  She is so interactive with us - it is great.  There's no better feeling than walking into the daycare or home from a long day at work, calling her name, seeing her look around, and then scrunch her nose, snort, and rock back and forth in excitement when she finds us.  Scott and I are in a decent routine and I feel like we make a pretty good team.  Addison loves having "conversation" and everything she tries to say comes out "dadadadadada".  It lights up Scott's life.  Anytime I try to get her to practice a different syllable, she just changes her tone of voice.  She has a very high-pitched squeal, and a very low growl, which Scott calls her "scary voice" or her "halloween voice".  Things are getting so fun.

(I'll have to add some more recent phone pics later!)


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